Sunday 11 January 2015

'Let's talk about' Chia Seeds.

So here is one of the sections I'll be doing on this blog 'Let's talk about'. It gives me the chance to show you guys what all these ingredients actually mean. And what they do for your body. Because lets face it, what's the point of putting things in your food, if you don't know why or how they're benefitting you in your healthy food fix.

Today we're gonna talk about Chia Seeds. Now for all you Health food enthusiasts, Chia seeds will be a noticeable occurrence in most recipes you read. And I bet you don't really know what they do or why they're there. Don't you worry, for weeks I had no idea why I was spending ten minutes everyday soaking tiny seeds in a bowl of water and then pouring, what looked like, frogs born all over my muesli in the morning. Well look no further, I'm going to prove to you exactly why you're spending good money on something that seems so insignificant. Keep reading, It'll be worth it.

Where does it come from? Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the Mint family that is mostly grown in Mexico. History proves that it was very important for Aztec soldiers in suppressing hunger for a long time whilst at war.

How does it work? When you soak Chia seeds in water they form a gel, that gel contains no calories which is good if you're dieting. And also as the gel forms it increases in size and weight meaning that it helps the body think its full, without adding calories!

Benefits (grab a cuppa - there are a lot!) - 

  • Vegan 
  • Great source of fibre
  • Full of anti-oxidants
  • Cuts cravings for food
  • Balances blood sugar
  • Gluten free
  • Rich in omega 3 ( Three times more omega than salmon )
  • Rich in protein
  • Anti ageing ( perfect for healthy skin, hair and nails )
  • 3 times more iron than spinach!
  • 5 times more calcium than milk!
  • 7 times more vitamin C than oranges!
  • 15 times more magnesium than broccoli!
  • Chia gel can replace butter and eggs when baking
  • They're cost effective
  • Have no flavour, but they magnify the taste of what they're added to!

Now if I haven't convinced you to include them in everything then I don't know what would!
See you next time!

Love from Flo xx

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